Friday, February 13, 2015

Lesson Preparation for our next lesson


This week as you prepare for the Relief Society lesson (ETB 4), please ponder these questions so that we can have instructive class participation and benefit from the wisdom and experiences of each other:

  • Why do you think faith in God gives us "hope for the future, and optimism in our present tasks"?
  • In what ways does the Lord help us when we are willing to endure trials faithfully?
  • Reflect on a time when you needed to "righteously hang on"(section 2) during adversity.  Consider what you have gained from that experience.
  • How do our attitudes and perspectives on hardships and trials affect the outcome?
  • How can we as sisters make life better for those who are suffering through life's low points?
  • What kinds of service or kindness to others has brought you joy?
  • What happens to our worries when we busy ourselves with service and kind moments for others?
  • What are some experiences that have helped you know that Heavenly Father wants you to be successful?
  • Why do you think "happiness here and now consists in acknowledging God's will for us"? (section3)
  • What happens to us internally when we trust God as opposed to when we doubt He cares or notices?

I know there are a lot of questions and I don't know that we will address each one, but I would like you to think about your experiences so that you will be ready and willing to share on Sunday. ;)

Thank you,
Karene Hanks

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