Thursday, May 30, 2013

RS Spotlight

Dear Sisters,
We are going to start doing some spotlights on Sisters in the monthly newsletter.  I need 5 to 8 sentences about each sister so we can start this.  Please e-mail your spotlight.  We use to do this a while back, the name of the sister will be upside down so everyone can try to guess who it is.

Thanks for your time!
Christina Bartschi

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Link for Lessons

Hey Sisters,

Here is a link to last Sunday's Lesson that Mariah gave.

Sunday's lesson will be from Elder Anderson's talk given in the Nov. Ensign of 2010 called, "Never Leave Him."

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Call for Service: Meal for Missionary Meeting

Sister Treasure received a request from the mission president to prepare a meal for their missionary meeting on May 23rd at 12:00 noon at the Caldwell East Stake building -- 11792 Linden Road. We are expecting 45-50 people to attend.
 We need 4 sisters from our ward (36th) to help serve and clean up at this missionary meal on the 23rd. They will need to be at the caldwell East Stake Center from 11:30am to 1:30pm.  Any sisters that are able and willing to help please call or email Janell Bowman so she can get it arranged. 
Thanks Janell

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ward Garden

Sisters, we will be gathering at the ward garden, tomorrow around 2:45.  If you have any tools that would be useful for planting you may want to bring them.  We have tomatos, peppers and potatoes to plant.  Kids are welcome to play on the playground. 
Thank you,

Friday, May 3, 2013

Sunday Lesson May 5th

Please review the following clips from the 2013 Worldwide Leadership Training for Sunday's lesson on May 5th